Beam Cassette - Mono Dots

Beam Cassettes
Part # Type AvailabilityRRPPrice 
FG71413" Cassette Beam - Mono DotsUnavailableN/ADiscontinued!
GS714150mm Cassette Beam - Mono DotsUnavailable£31.49N/A

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Produces shafts of brilliant white light which rotate smoothly through smoke/haze. Check out the video clip to see just how effective this very simple cassette is! OPTIFANATICS.COM think this cassette is awesome!!!!

Beam cassettes produce striking ‘laser like’ beams of animated white or coloured light through theatrical smoke or haze. We find that the effect of these simple cassettes with a basic projector can be more impressive than that from more complex and costly club lighting systems!

Effect Cassettes combine two pieces of glass, one static the other revolving to create movement. They are used with either a Cassette Rotator or a Cassette Autochanger fitted to any OPTI or compatible projector.

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